Lina Photo

Lina YaoLina Yao

Perseverance with an open and growth mind and a brave heart

About Me

I am a Senior Principal Research Scientist and Science Lead (Research Manager) @ CSIRO's Data61, Conjoint Professor @ UNSW, Honorary Professor @ Macquarie University and Adjunct Professor @ University of Technology Sydney. I am the Senior Members of ACM and IEEE.

I am serving as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (ACM TOSN), Knowledge-based Systems (KNOSYS), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (ACM TALLIP),Frontiers in Big Data, ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (ACM TORS), IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence ( TAI ), and Editorial Board for Nature Scientific Reports (Scientific Reports).

I am leading my research group Data Dynamics Lab (D2 Lab) founded in 2016. We strive for developing generalizable and explainable data-efficient data mining, machine learning and deep learning algorithms—as well as designing systems and interfaces—to enable novel ways of human-machine interactions, including an improved understanding of challenges such as robustness, trust, explainability and resilience that improve human-autonomy partnership.

Our research interest includes Few-Shot Learning, Zero-Shot Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Self-supervised Learning, Deep Generative Modelling and their applications in a broad range of applications in Recommender Systems, Computer Vision, Brain Computer Interface, Intelligent Transportation System, and Internet of Things.

Our research is motivated by, and contributes to, various applications in Healthcare Informatics, Cyber Security, Transportation, Defence, Industry 4.0 and FinTech. Details can be found here

Visit our Youtube Channel for taking a closer look at our research. Our research has also been attracting media coverage, such as COSMOS Magazine, EdexLive, Australian Financial Review , Create Digital , SBS1, SBS 2, SBS 3, Engineers Australia magazine, New South Wales government , Australia FinTech and Defence and featured in UNSW News 1 and UNSW News 2. Find out more about my road to research Joining forces: humans and AI systems.

Before I joined CSIRO's Data in Oct 2022, I was a Scientia Associate Professor at The University of New South Wales (UNSW). I was a lecturer and an ARC reseach associate at The University of Adelaide (UoA). I received my PhD degree and Master degrees both from UoA in September 2014 and July 2010, respectively. Prior to that, I obtained my Bachelor degree from Shandong University (SDU). I worked at China Unicom as an engineer and studied a Master's degree at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT).


  • It's a pleasure to join the 2024 ICDM Awards Committee
  • Congratulations to Saurav! His work "CLAP4CLIP: Continual Learning with Probabilistic Finetuning for Vision-Language Models" is accepted to NeurIPS 2024!
  • I am among 2024 the World’ Top 2% Scientists list compiled by Stanford University
  • One paper is accepted to EMNLP 2024
  • Call for Paper for ACM Transactions on Information Systems Special Section on Special Section on Causality Representation Learning in LLMs-Driven Recommender Systems (submission deadline: 31 September 2024) (details)
  • Our Paper "A Convolutional Recurrent Attention Model for Subject-Independent EEG Signal Analysis” is nominated by Signal Processing Society (SPS) MLSP Technical Committee as a candidate of the 2024 IEEE Signal Processing Letters Best Paper Awards.
  • It is a pleasure to serve as Industry Co-Chair for PAKDD 2025
  • It is a pleasure to serve as Senior Area Chair for KDD 2025
  • Congratulations to Guanglin! His work "HCVP: Leveraging Hierarchical Contrastive Visual Prompt for Domain Generalization" is accepted to IEE TMM!
  • Congratulations to Rui! Her work "In-Context Learning for Zero-shot Medical Report Generation" is accepted to ACM MM 2024!
  • Congratulations to Siyu! Her work "On Causally Disentangled State Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning based Recommender Systems" is accepted to CIKM 2024 Research Track!
  • Congratulations to Shiyi! Her work "Attacking Visually-aware Recommender Systems with Transferable and Imperceptible Adversarial Styles" is accepted to CIKM 2024 Research Track!
  • Three papers are accetped to CIKM 2024!
  • One paper is accetped to ACM MM 2024!
  • Congratulations to Yao! His work "Multi-agent Traffic Prediction via Denoised Endpoint Distribution" is accepted to IROS 2024!
  • It's a pleasure to serve as Track Chair for the Semantics and Knowledgefor Track, WWW 2025
  • Congratulations to Dr Zesheng Ye! Best wishes for his future endeavor!
  • Congratulations to Dr Yao Liu! Best wishes for his future endeavor!
  • Congratulations to Xinshu! Her work "Self-Distilled Disentangled Learning for Counterfactual Prediction" is accepted by KDD 2024!
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong! His work "Maximum-Entropy Regularized Decision Transformer with Reward Relabelling for Dynamic Recommendation" is accepted by KDD 2024!
  • Two papers are accepted to KDD 2024!
  • It's a pleasure to serve as Industry Chair for WWW 2025
  • One paper is accepted by ICML 2024
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong! His work "On the Opportunities and Challenges of Offline Reinforcement Learning for Recommender Systems" is accepted to ACM TOIS!
  • Congratulations to Yao! His work "Attention-aware Social Graph Transformer Networks for Stochastic Trajectory Prediction" is accepted to IEEE TKDE!
  • One paper is accepted to SIGIR 2024
  • One paper is accepted to 2024 NAACL
  • I serve as the General Co-Chair of Special Session on "Private, Secure, and Trust Data Analytics" of DSAA 2024
  • Congratulations to Yun! Her work "Context-based and Diversity-driven Specificity in Compositional Zero-Shot Learning" is accepted to CVPR 2024!
  • It's a pleasure to join the organization committee of MSN 2024
  • Congratulations to Dr Jing Du! Best wishes for her future endeavor!
  • Congratulations to Hongtao! His work "MatchNAS: Optimizing Edge AI in Sparse-Label Data Contexts via Automating Deep Neural Network Porting for Mobile Deployment" is accpeted by WebConf (WWW) 2024!
  • Two papers are accepted by ICLR 2024
  • I will serve as Senior Area Chair (SAC) for the Research Track of KDD 2024
  • It's a pleasure to be appointed as Adjunct Professor in the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII) at University of Technology Sydney
  • I will serve as Associte Editor for IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
  • Congratulations to Xinshu! Her work "Distribution-conditioned Adversarial Variational Autoencoder for Valid Instrumental Variable Generation" is accepted by AAAI-24!
  • Two papers are accepted by AAAI-24!acceptance rate is 23.75% (2342 accepted papers out of 12100 submissions)
  • It's a pleasure to serve as Leading Associate Editor for Tsinghua Sciences and Technology
  • Received ARC Discovery Project grants with collaborators as Partner Investigator on Toward Human-guided Safe Reinforcement Learning in the Real World (DP240102349), Mitigating the Influence of Social Bots in Heterogeneous Social Networks (DP240100181) and Improving Resilience of MCDI for Water Supply in Remote Communities (DP240101469)!
  • I am listed in the top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists in 2022 for both career-long and single recent year impact Link
  • I will serve as PhD Symposium Co-Chair, WISE 2024
  • Congratulations to Yun on Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Theses!
  • Congratulations to Saurav! His work "NPCL: Neural Processes for Uncertainty-Aware Continual Learning" is accepted by NeurIPS 2023! acceptance rate is 26.1% out of 12343 valid submissions.
  • Two papers are accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
  • Congratulations to Jing! Her work "Distributional Domain-Invariant Preference Matching for Cross-Domain Recommendation" is accepted by ICDM 2023! acceptance rate is 9.37%
  • Congratulations to Zesheng! His work "See What You See: Self-supervised Cross-modal Retrieval of Visual Stimuli from Brain Activities" is accepted by PR!
  • Congratulations to Zhe! His work "Simple Primitives with Feasibility and Contextuality-Dependence for Open-World Compositional Zero-shot Learning" is accepted by TPAMI!
  • One paper is accepted by IEEE TIP
  • Congratulations to Guanglin! His work "Contrastive Counterfactual Learning for Causality-aware Interpretable Recommender Systems" is accepted by CIKM 2023!
  • Congratulations to Yun! Her work "Distilled Reverse Attention Network for Open-world Compositional Zero-Shot Learning" is accepted by ICCV 2023!
  • Two papers are accepted by ICCV 2023!
  • Call for Paper for ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems Special Issue on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Recommender Systems (DRL4RS) (submission deadline: 31 August 2023) (details)
  • Call for Paper for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology Special Issue on Responsible Recommender Systems (submission deadline: 30 June 2023) (details)
  • CIKM 2023 Call for Workshops! The submission deadline is 30 June 2023!( details)
  • I am listed among Best Computer Scientists in Australia
  • Congratulations to Xiaoxin! His work "DREAM: Decoupled Representation via Extraction Attention Module and Supervised Contrastive Learning for Cross-Domain Sequential Recommender" is accepted by RecSys 2023 as a Full research paper (acceptance rate: 18.7%)
  • Congratulations to Dr Xuesong Wang! Best wishes for his future endeavor!
  • Congratulations to Dr Yuanjiang Cao! Best wishes for his future endeavor!
  • Congratulations to Dr Yun Li! Best wishes for her future endeavor!
  • I will serve as Track Chair (Senior Area Chair) for 2024 Web Conference (formerly WWW)
  • Congratulations to Yuanjiang! His work "Guided Image-to-Image Translation by Discriminator-Generator Communication" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia!
  • It's a pleasure to join the CORE Research Award Panel for 2023!
  • Congratulations to Siyu! Her work "Causal Decision Transformer for Recommender Systems via Offline Reinforcement Learning" is accepted by SIGIR 2023 as a full research paper! (acceptance rate:20.1%)
  • Congratulations to Chengkai! His work "Dual Contrastive Transformer for Hierarchical Preference Modelling in Sequential Recommendation" is accepted by SIGIR 2023 as a Full research paper! (acceptance rate:20.1%)
  • Two full research papers and one short research paper are accepted by SIGIR 2023!
  • I will serve as Poster Co-chair for Mobiquitous 2023.
  • One paper titled "When Object Detection Meets Knowledge Distillation: A Survey" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • Congratulations to Haowei! His work "Less is More: Brain Functional Connectivity Empowered Generalisable Intention Classification with Task-relevant Channel Selection" is accepted by IEEE TNSRE!
  • Congratulations to Chengkai! His work "Modeling Temporal Positive and Negative Excitation for Sequential Recommendation"has been accepted by TheWebConf 2023 (formerly WWW)! (acceptance rate:19.2%)
  • It's a pleasure to be appointed the Honorary Professor with Macquarie University with effect from 30 January 2023
  • Awarded an ARC Discovery Project grant (Lead Chief Investigator) to support our research on Generalisable and Unbiased Dynamic Recommender Systems (DP230100233)!
  • The IEEE CIS Open Book has been released! An introduction to Computational Intelligence -- An IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Open Book! (Link)
  • Our tutorial "When Mining Healthcare Data Meets AI Ethics: Towards Privacy-preservation, Fairness and Trustworthy” has been accepted to SDM 2023 Tutorial Program as a two-hour tutorial
  • Congratulations to Dr. Can Li! Best wishes for her future endeavours!
  • Congratulations to Yun! Her work "Balancing Generalization and Specialization in Zero-shot Learning" is accepted by TMM!
  • Congratulations to Jing! Her work "Interest Dynamics Modeling using Generative Neural Processes for Sequential Recommendation" is accepted by WSDM 2023!
  • Two papers are accepted by WSDM 2023!(acceptance rate: 17.8%)
  • I am thrilled to win the 2023 Chris Wallace Award for Outstanding Research Contribution (Link)
  • Congratulations to Xuesong for his work "Uncertainty Estimation with Neural Processes for Meta-Continual Learning" is accepted by IEEE TNNLS!
  • I will serve as Workshop Co-chair for ACM CIKM 2023
  • I will serve as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems (TORS)
  • Congratulations to Dr. May Altulyan! Best wishes for her future endeavour!
  • Congratuations to Dr Zhe Liu on Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses!
  • It's a pleasure to be appointed a Conjoint Professor with UNSW effective from 30 Sept 2022
  • Congratulations to Yao! His work "Social Graph Transformer Networks for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Complex Social Scenarios" is accepted by CIKM 2022 as a full research paper!
  • Congratulations to Jingcheng! His work "Multi-agent Transformer Networks for Multi-modal Human Activity Recognition" is accepted by CIKM 2022 as a full research paper!
  • I will be moving up to CSIRO's Data61 as a Science Lead for Translational Machine Learning
  • I am so pleased to become an ACM Senior Member
  • Congratulations to Dr. Usama Salama! Best wishes for his future endeavour!
  • I will serve as PC Co-chair for 2022 IEEE BDCloud
  • One paper "Harnessing Confidence for Report Aggregation in Crowdsourcing Envrionment" won the 2022 IEEE SCC Best Paper Award
  • I will deliver a keynote speech in CENet 2022
  • Congratulations to Jing for being selected to attend the Rising Stars: Women in Engineering Workshop 2022
  • It's a pleasure to attend a talk show on SBS Chinese Link
  • One paper "TN-ZSTAD: Transferable Network for Zero-Shot Temporal Activity Detection" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • Congratulations to Xuesong! His work " Contrastive Graph Learning for Population-based fMRI Classification" is accepted by MICCAI 2022
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong! His work "Generative Adversarial Reward Learning for Generalized Behavior Tendency Inference" is accepted by IEEE TKDE
  • I will join the roundtable discussion of ICDE 2022 Session “Information Retrieval and Recommendation”
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong! His work "Locality-Sensitive State-Guided Experience Replay Optimization for Sparse-Reward in Online Recommendation" is accepted by SIGIR 2022 as a full research paper! (acceptance rate: 20%)
  • I will serve as PC Co-Chair for ADMA 2022
  • Congratulations to Zesheng! His work "Contrastive Conditional Neural Processes" is accepted by CVPR 2022!
  • Two papers are accepted by CVPR 2022
  • I am humbled and pleased to join Editorial Board for Nature Scientific Reports.
  • I am elevated to the IEEE Senior Member.
  • I will serve as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP)
  • I am listed among the World’ Top 2% Scientists in the 2021 list compiled by Stanford University and published at PLOS in the single year category.
  • Congratulations to Yun! Her work on Entropy-guided Reinforced Partial Convolutional Network for Zero-Shot Learning is accepted by IEEE TCSVT!
  • I will join the Editorial Board for International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA)
  • Congratulations to Yun! Her work on Attribute-Modulated Generative Meta Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning is accepted by IEEE TMM!
  • Congratulations to Guanglin! His work on counterfactual inference is accepted by SDM 2022!
  • I was awarded Educational Excellence and Innovation Group Award! UNSW Faculty Excellence 2021!
  • I will serve as one of PC Chairs for ICSOC 2022
  • I joined the Women in Multimedia Roundtable, 2021 ACM MM Asia
  • I joined the panel session Data Mining with Far Fewer Labels: Pretraining, Knowledge and Unsupervised Learning, ICDM 2021
  • Congratulations to Dr. Zhe Liu!! Best wishes for his future endeavors!!
  • Congratulations to Xuesong for his ICDM paper "Global Convolutional Neural Processes" to be selected as Best Paper Candidate!!
  • Congratulations to Xuesong for ICDM 2021 acceptance! (acceptance rate is 9.9%, 100 out of 990 submissions)
  • Congratulations to Yun for being awarded 2021 Google Fellowship in Machine Learning!
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong! His work on Generative Inverse Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Recommendation is accepted by CIKM 2021!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Zhihui Li! Best wishes for her future endeavors!
  • Congratulations to Xuesong on the People's Choice Award and making to the UNSW 3MT Final Competition!
  • An article of my research about How AI Transforms Cybersecurity on Women in Security Magazine, check it out
  • My first podcast Let's talk robotics podcast with Nicci Rossouw,CEO@Exaptec
  • My research is featured in Engineers Australia magazine This award-winning engineer turns big data into useful AI applications
  • I will serve as workshop co-chair for AI 2021!
  • I am the winner of 2021 Australia and New Zealand Women in AI Awards in the category of AI in Cybersecurity!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Lei Bai! Best wishes for his future endeavors!
  • I will serve as Associate Editor for Frontiers in Big Data of Section in Recommender Systems!
  • Congratulations to Zhihui on CVPR 2021 acceptance!
  • I will serve as Associate Editor for Knowledge-Based Systems!
  • Humbled and thrilled to be in the list of finalists for the Inaugural Women in AI Awards 2021 (Australia and New Zealand)!
  • I will serve as one of PC Chairs for CIKM 2021 short paper track
  • Congratulations to Kaixuan and Dalin's survey Deep Learning for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities being accepted by CUSR!
  • I am listed among the World’ Top 2% Scientists in the 2020 list compiled by Stanford University and published at PLOS in the single year category.
  • Congratulations to Zhe on IEEE TNNLS acceptance!
  • Congratulations to Zhe on AAAI-21 success!
  • Congratulations to Xiaocong on paper acceptance by Pattern Recognition about few-shot learning for earlier diagnosis of COVID-19!
  • I am very humbled and honored to receive Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research Supervision!
  • Awarded a Discovery Project grant (Lead Chief Investigator) to support our research on Robust Preference Inference from Spatial-Temporal Interaction Networks!
  • Call For Papers

    Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in the Internet of Things. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

    Guest Editors
    Lina Yao, University of New South Wales,
    Xianzhi Wang, University of Technology Sydney,
    Michael Sheng, Macquarie University,
    Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Swinburne Uni of Technology,

  • Our paper entitled "A Survey on Deep Learning-based Non-Invasive Brain Signals: Recent Advances and New Frontiers" is accepted by Journal of Neural Engineering! Congratulations to Xiang!
  • Congratulations to Lei for being awarded 2020 Google Fellowship in Machine Learning!
  • Congratulations to Lei for NeurIPS 2020 success (acceptance rate:20%, 1900 out of 9454)!
  • Congratulations to Kaixuan for being awarded Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses 2020!
  • Congratulations to Lei for securing PostDoc position in University of Sydney!
  • Congratulations to Feng, Can and Yun on their paper acceptance to CIKM 2020!
  • Congratulations to Zhe, Manqing and Zhihui on their paper acceptance to KDD 2020!
  • Three papers from our group are accepted by KDD 2020 (Research Track, acceptance rate: 16.8%, 216 out of 1279)!
  • Congratulations to Kaixuan and Dalin for securing tenure-track Assistant Professors at Aalborg University, Denmark!
  • Congratulations to Lei on his paper acceptance to Ubicomp 2020!
  • Our paper The Future of Misinformation Detection: New Perspectives and Trends is accepted by CUSR, check it out
  • Congratulations to Xiang for his paper accepted by TIST!
  • I am invited as PC member of NeurIPS 2020!
  • Awarded an ARC Linkage Project grant (Lead Chief Investigator) to support our research on activity and context recognition for behavior recommendation![Link]
  • Congratulations to Xiang on his paper accepted by JBHI!
  • Our survey about Deep Learning for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition: Overview, Challenges and Opportunities is on preprint, check it out
  • I am invited as PC member of KDD 2020!
  • Congratulations to Dalin on his paper accepted by JBHI!
  • I am awarded Scientia Fellowship commencing in 2020!
  • Congratulations to Zhihui for her Best Paper Award of ADMA 2019!
  • Congratulations to Shuai for securing PostDoc position in ETH Zurich!
  • Congratulations to Xiang for securing PostDoc position in Harvard Medical School!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Shuai Zhang! Best wishes for his future endeavors!
  • Congratulations to Zhihui on her paper accepted by AAAI-20!
  • Four papers are accepted by AAAI-20 (acceptance rate:20.6%, 1591 out of 7737)
  • Congratulations to Dalin on his paper accepted by TNSRE!
  • Congratulations to Shuai on his paper accepted by NeurIPS 2019 (acceptance rate: 21%, 1428 out of 6743)!
  • I am so honored to serve as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks.
  • A survey regarding deep learning for Brain Computer Interface advances is available, check it out !
  • Congratulations to Xiang on his paper accepted by ICDM 2019 as Regular paper (acceptance rate: 9.08%)!
  • Congratulations to Dr. Xiaodong Ning! My first PhD graduate as primary supervisor!
  • Congratulations to Lei, Kaixuan, Feng and Shuai on their papers accepted by IJCAI 2019!
  • Five papers are accepted by IJCAI 2019 (acceptance rate:17.9%, 850 out of 4752)
  • Congratulations to Xiang on his paper accepted by KDD 2019 Research Track! (acceptance rate:14%, ~160 out of ~1200)
  • Call For Papers

    Special Issue on Recommender System, CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction.

    Lead Guest Editors
    Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia, China
    Bin Guo, Northwestern Ploytechnical University, China

    Guest Editors
    FEA Lina Yao, The University of New South Wales, AU
    Yong Li, Tsinghua University, China
    Xia Hu, Texas A&M University, USA

  • Congratulations to Kaixuan, Zhihui and Shuai on their papers accepted by AAAI-19!
  • Three papers are accepted by AAAI-19 (acceptance rate:16.2%, 1150 out of 7095)
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Xiang, who has been awarded a 2018 Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Human-Computer Interactions (HCI)
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Xiang, on his Ubicomp 2018 paper "MindID: Person Identification from Brain Waves through Attention-based Recurrent Neural Network"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Manqing, on her WISE 2018 paper "DUAL: A Deep Unified Attention Model with Latent Relation Representations for Fake News Detection"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Xiaodong, on his WISE 2018 paper "Data-Augmented Regression with Generative Convolutional Network"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Lei, on his LCN 2018 paper "Automatic Device Classification from Network Traffic Streams of Internet of Things"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Xiang, on his IJCAI 2018 paper "Multi-modality Sensor Data Classification with Selective Attention"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Shuai, on his IJCAI 2018 paper "NeuRec: On Nonlinear Transformation for Personalized Ranking"!
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Kaixuan, on her IJCNN 2018 paper "Interpretable Parallel Recurrent Neural Networks with Convolutional Attentions for Multi-Modality Activity Modeling"!
  • I successfully secured UNSW-Tsinghua University Collaborative Research Fund 2018 as Lead CI
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Dalin, on his PAKDD 2018 paper "Fuzzy Integral Optimization with Deep Q-Network for EEG-based Intention Recognition"!
  • Two papers are accepted by PAKDD 2018
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Xiang, on his Percom 2018 paper "Converting Your Thougts to Texts: Enabling Brain Typing via Deep Feature Learning of EEG Signals"!
  • A brain typing research prototype in Percom2018 paper is available now. Check it out from Youtube Channel
  • I am the PC member for IJCAI 2018.
  • Warm congratulations to my student, Dalin, on his AAAI-18 paper ". Cascade and Parallel Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks on EEG-based Intention Recognition for Brain Computer Interface"!
  • Three papers are accepted by AAAI 2018
  • Twitter can be used for quick response to crisis? Yes. Check it out from Youtube Channel
  • Our paper about location recommendation is accepted by TOIT.
  • Our paper about smart homes and Internet of Things is accepted by Computing.
  • Three papers are accepted by Mobiquitous 2017. Congratulations to Xiang Zhang!
  • Two papers are accepted by ICONIP 2017. Congratulations to Xiang Zhang and Shuai Zhang!
  • I am the PC member for AAAI 2018.
  • Our paper is accepted by CUSR.
  • I am the PC member for CIKM 2017.
  • Congratulations to Shuai Zhang for winning ACM SIGIR 2017 Travel Grant!
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  • Congratulations to Shuai Zhang for his paper accepted in SIGIR 2017!
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by WWWJ.
  • I am the PC Co-Chair for IEEE BigDataSE 2017.
  • I am the Demo and Poster Chair for MobiQuitous 2017.
  • I am the PC member for ICWS 2017.
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by TKDD.
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by WWWJ.
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by TIST.
  • Our paper is accepted as regular paper by TKDE.
  • I am the PC member for AAAI-17.
  • One PhD scholarship is open now! Deadline is 18 August.
  • Our papers are accepted as full papers by CIKM 2016.
  • Our papers is accepted as a full paper by ICSOC 2016.
  • Fresh research demo regarding sentiment analysis using smart phone is up, check it out from Youtube Channel
  • Our paper is accepted as a full paper by ECML-PKDD 2016.
  • Our paper is accepted as a full paper by Ubicomp 2016.
  • I am the PC member for International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016.
  • I successfully secured Pilot Competitive Evaluation Research Agreement Program 2016.
  • I am the Program Co-Chair for The Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2017).
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